The Bragster Pack

Welcome to the second post in the blog that will help you learn how to play Magic: the Gathering. In my first post I mentioned the free pack sends everybody who signs for the dare. Interested to know what is inside? The pack I got contained:

1 Playmat - not very good to play on but definitely cool. At least if you like the images of Chandra Nalaar and Liliana Vess, that is
2 Premade decks (a blue and a black one) - the core of the content in this blog. I'll be talking a lot about them soon
1 Alara Reborn booster pack (no longer available due to the large volume of requests) - we'll get to it's contents and purpose in the final posts
2 Planeswalker symbol stensils - No idea what the Planeswalker symbol is? Check here
3 Planeswalker stickers - along with the stencils both these are handy if yo want to try your hand in another M:tG dare on Bragster
1 "Here I Rule" sticker - Useful on it's own, no prizes for sticking it anywhere I'm afraid
1 Badge - not so "emo" as it may sound. I'll wear it at the prerelease tomorrow to see what happens.

Still don't get the picture? Let's try this way:

Excited already? Or jealous? Nice.

Next time I'm going to tell you what each of the five colours in Magic represents, what are their strenghts, weaknesses and philosophies. After that I will let you see what's inside each deck, what each card does and purpose it serves and give you a good idea what the best way to play the deck is.

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